Toddlers: 1-3 Years
Can Pediatric Chiropractic care help my child? The easy answer to this is “probably”. Moms, dads, and caregivers from all over are looking for hope and answers, backed by science, that will help them with all the stress and struggle our kids and families are confronted with.
How does it work? Well, our kids lives are busier and more complex than ever. Schedules are packed, social media is everywhere, food quality isn’t what it used to be, and birth is increasingly traumatic. Simply put, we/they have a lot of stress coming from every direction, and all combined, it can be overwhelming!
This “overwhelm” is STRESS that accumulates and builds up in the spine and nervous system, making it harder for our bodies to adapt and overcome, leaving our kids’ stuck in survival (i.e. struggle) mode and vulnerable to future problems.
The key to any healthy relationship is communication! There is a highway of communication between the brain and body, and optimal health is dependent on the clarity and connection of these messages, for which the spine is the “gate-keeper”. When the brain and body can communicate well, kids can adapt to their surroundings better. Adaptation is the key word, and why Chiropractic is so beneficial in helping kids thrive.
Success Stories
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The information on this site, presented by Straightahead Chiropractic, Inc., is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. All patient stories and/or testimonials have been shared with permission and do not reflect, imply, or guarantee any results for others.
The content is presented for information purposes only, and to increase public knowledge of Chiropractic Care and the benefits of good health. Neither Dr. Timothy Stein, DC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content.
Please seek the advice of your healthcare provider for any medical/health concerns you may have, and before making any lifestyle or health related changes