Ever wonder how Chiropractic works? This video illustrates how our bodies manage stress & how Chiropractic can help it do so most effectively.
⭐️ P A R E N T S ⭐️ this video is for you if... . ... 1. Your kiddo is sick 🤒 , stressed 😤, struggling 😥 , sleepless 😴, or battling some sensory 😖 stuff. . ....
Sensory Issues can be challenging to navigate, but perhaps no more difficult than during this time of year with Christmas & New Years upon us. In this video ...
Does your kiddo struggle with ear infections 🥵? Are you feeling frustrated 😤 & facing tough decisions 🥺 about more meds or possibly surgery? If yes, or you k...
Attention, Attendance & A's. We're hearing and seeing drastic improvements in school performances for kiddos who are getting reconnected through Specific Chi...
The most common culprit of the complaints and concerns we see in children is Birth Trauma. As beautiful and natural as it is, even the least complicated birt...
Posture, Headaches, Hormones, Stress, Sport Injuries, ADHD, Poor Grades, Learning Difficulties... These are just a few of the things we've seen major breakth...
What's all the hype about? In this video, we hope you will gain a better understanding of: 1. How the mechanism, or pathophysiology, of COVID-19 works, 2. Wh...